Monday, April 27, 2009


I was looking at the other blogs on today and chanced upon the post "KC Concepcion: 'I Love Blogging' on the Blog Addicts blog. KC's first blog entry on her Multiply site, the article said, was about the Subservient Chicken.

Hmmm. Intriguing. And so I went to the Subservient Chicken link.

True enough, the Subservient Chicken can do whatever you want--like how its sponsor Burger King can do your order the way you want it ("Have it your way" is their tagline). To date, I have commanded the Subservient Chicken to jump, run, yodel, wave bye, do jumping jacks, scratch, and even reach his toes. And he did them all. Uto-uto.

This is a great two-minute stress buster for the harried mom who can't get her young child to brush his teeth, change into pajamas, eat vegetables, pack up toys, feed the dog, put on slippers, and so on. For two minutes, there's someone who will obey your every command. Bliss! :)

VERSE OF THE WEEK: Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5

BOOK OF THE WEEK: Thanks to some time to kill, I picked up the little book Stressed in the City: Snippets of the Lighter Side of the Urban Jungle (written by my grad school classmate April Timbol Yap) at National Bookstore last month. By page 2 I was already chuckling at the cat crossing the flyover ("Where did it come from? Where was it going? And why for heaven's sake did it need to use the flyover?") and laughing hard by the time she told the story of the vendor selling beds on the streets ("Miss, gusto n'yong bumili ng kama?"). :)

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